All I can say is God really knew what he was doing getting my butt over here hahahah! When I left, I knew this would be a strategic career move for me in some vaguely foreshadowed way.
Yes, I have toyed around with the notion of going into teaching. Can you imagine me leading a Creative Writing, Journalism or English class at a Junior College?! With flexible schedules, eclectic personalities and young, moldable minds (muah ah ah), yes, I do think that is something I would relish. My experience teaching so far has been exhilarating. I absolutely thrive in that classroom and feed off the genuine enthusiasm and sweet faces of these incredible kids. And thankfully, these ever-complimentary teachers have informed me it comes quite naturally to me! They let me take charge (shocker) of the class instead of just assisting and say the kids are never so enthralled when the actual teachers are the ones doing the teaching! I love it with all my heart (I’m still new… don’t ruin it for me, veteran teachers!!!).
Ok, so option number two is to build up my travel writing portfolio so I can get paid to traipse all across this great big world and write about it like Rick Steves. Really though, what has he got that I haven’t?! Or, at the very least, work for an awesome travel magazine…
Weeell, thank you to the incredibly selfless Alex Coonce, for taking a chance on her brother Sean’s and boyfriend John’s crazy friend Lindsey Ashjian from college, and putting me in touch with I have just been hired on as the Local Expert for Andalusia, the entire south of Spain. I will be getting PAID to travel 'round and write about my adventures… what to see, what to do, what to eat (what not to eat ahhaa). It’s not much, but it’s something! Most importantly, it will allow me to do what I have dreamed of doing for so long and no one can ever take that away from me. This will be on my resume for all my life and I just revel at the opportunities it will bring me in the future.
So, THANK YOU ALEX, and thank you to all of you for your ever-so-awesome interest in my whatabouts.
In other good news, I just found out a major project I edited is going to be sold at BARNES & NOBLE this Christmas!!! Is that outta this world or what?! More news on that when the timing is more appropriate.
I received all of this incredible news as I made my first batch of Chicken Piccata here in Spain, Skyped with dear friends from home and giggled uncontrollably with my precious roommates and newest old friend, Dustincito.
Yes, today was a very good day here in good ol’ Jaen.
Love to all :)

P.S. Happiest of birthdays to my Jainey Marie, the sunshine of my life!!
My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!
What a great resource!
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